Resumo em Inglês

Patrícia Matias de Oliveira
Doutoranda em Geografia na UFRJ, Mestre em Desenvolvimento Territorial e Politicas Públicas pela UFRRJ

Redefinition of the concept of rural and its implication for the construction of Brazilian´s rural development public policies

This paper aims to discuss how the redefinition of rural / urban concepts reaches the construction of public policies for rural development in Brazil. To this end, we will first discuss the main approaches to urban / rural concepts and the new conceptions that have been elaborated on these spaces. The period of analysis is marked by the 1970s, when profound changes were felt in the most diverse social spheres. As the rural environment is the subject of numerous discussions and redefinitions of its concept, it is the task of this work to reveal how the perception of this space can influence the public policies aimed at these areas.

Resumo em Português - Texto

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