Resumo em Inglês

Maurício Aguiar Serra
PhD pela London School of Economics, Professor Livre Docente do Instituto de Economia da Unicamp

Renato de Castro Garcia
Doutor em Economia pela UNICAMP, Professor do Instituto de Economia da UNICAMP

Suelene Mascarini de Souza Romero
Doutora em Engenharia de Produção da USP; Pós-Doutora do programa Innovation Systems, Strategy and Policy (InSySPo) ,

Rafael da Silva Macedo
Doutorando em Desenvolvimento Econômico no Instituto de Economia da Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Letícia da Silva Bastos
Doutoranda em Política Científica e Tecnológica pela UNICAMP, Professora do Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais (IFMG) - Campus Ouro Branco/MG.

Regional innovation policies at issue: Recent developments and implications

The recent debate on regional development policies has been marked by a growing concern with innovation as the main driver of regional development. This paper aims to analyse the recent developments in innovation-based regional development policies. In order to do this, the main conceptual pillars of regional development policies are discussed, through the Regional Innovation Systems approach and the notion of Constructing Regional Advantage as well. Policies based on the smart specialization strategy stemmed from this theoretical debate. They aimed at establishing mechanisms to support economic diversification and the creation of new technological and organisational trajectories for regions. All these experiences of innovation-based regional development policies draw important lessons for Brazil, especially regarding to the need to define policy instruments that take into account both regional specificities and the significant regional disparities in the country.

Resumo em Português - Texto

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